What is CBD and how does it work?

CBD effect on sleep and mood

CBD can have an effect on the mind, especially when used before bed and during the night. It is reported that CBD can speed up falling asleep and lead to more restful sleep. Although the exact connections have not yet been fully researched, there are various studies that have examined the effect of CBD on the psyche. It is believed that CBD can have an anti-anxiety effect in certain situations. Early studies in the 20th century showed initial evidence of CBD's antipsychotic effects by mitigating the negative psychological effects of THC. It was later discovered that CBD actually affects the metabolism of THC in the body. There is evidence that CBD uses complex processes to increase the body's own signaling molecules, the so-called endocannabinoids. These molecules are messenger substances in the body and are released more frequently when there is pain, for example.

CBD effect brain & nerves

The effect of CBD on the brain and nerves is based on the activation of cannabinoid receptors in the brain. These receptors play an important role in pain and inflammatory processes as part of the endocannabinoid system. However, it turns out that these receptors are not the only molecular targets of CBD. The effect of CBD is also based on the activation of other proteins, probably including serotonin receptors and ion channels, which control signal transmission in our nerve cells via the regulation of calcium. This effect can be helpful for convulsions, which is why CBD is also used as an antispasmodic medication, for example in multiple sclerosis and certain forms of epilepsy.


CBD duration of action & intake

The duration of effects of CBD depends on various factors, such as individual dosage, body weight and size. Basically, the bigger and heavier a person is, the more CBD needs to be taken. The duration and speed of action may also be influenced by other factors, such as food intake or physical activity before taking it. CBD usually takes effect around 1-2 hours after ingestion and has a half-life of around 60 hours when taken in the form of oils.


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